Call Slip

Please give it to the counter staff. Up to 5 materials per request.

大唐西域壁画 : 薬師寺玄奘三蔵院 : 完成記念 : 平山郁夫 : 大下図・スケッチ帖・素描画・資料展 / 深井信正編集. - 瀬戸田町(広島県) : 平山郁夫美術館 , 2001.2
Location Stacks
Call No. CO||H69||2001
Barcode No. 646001422
Collection Name

2024/11/06 04:09:34

*Materials marked with "NACT-ANX xxx" in the Location column are unavailable on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.