

Facing the wild : the Jungle book revisited / [translation and editing: Anna Barber]

資料種別 展覧会カタログ
出版情報 [Jerusalem] : [Israel Museum] , [2023]
著作権日付: , c2023


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本文言語 英語
別書名 その他のタイトル:שעת אין-מנוח : בעקבות ספר הג'ונגל
大きさ 31 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
内容注記 Facing the wild / Talia Amar
On humans and other animals / David Eilam
一般注記 Content Type: text (ncrcontent), Media Type: unmediated (ncrmedia), Carrier Type: volume (ncrcarrier)
Exhibition catalogue
Catalogue of the exhibition held at Israel Museum, Jerusalem, December, 2022-June, 2023
Includes bibliographical references
List of works in the exhibition: pages 29-31
English translation of the Hebrew catalogue <SB00006981>
Exhibition title: שעת אין-מנוח : בעקבות ספר הג'ונגל
著者標目 Barber, Anna editor, translator
Amar, Talia writer of supplementary textual content
Eilam, David writer of supplementary textual content
 Muzeʾon Yiśraʾel (Jerusalem) host institution
件 名 FREE:展覧会カタログ
書誌ID SB00006982
NCID BD0966979X