

World of art

資料種別 図書
出版情報 London ; New York : Thames and Hudson


1 Art since 1960 / Michael Archer 2nd ed. - New York : Thames & Hudson , 2002
2 The Thames & Hudson dictionary of fashion and fashion designers / Georgina O'Hara Callan Rev., expanded and updated ed. - London : Thames & Hudson , 1998
3 The Thames & Hudson dictionary of graphic design and designers / Alan and Isabella Livingston New ed. - London ; New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson , 2003
4 New media in art / Michael Rush New ed. - London : Thames & Hudson , 2005
5 The Pre-Raphaelites / Timothy Hilton : pbk. - London : Thames & Hudson , c1970
6 Latin American art of the 20th century / Edward Lucie-Smith 2nd ed. - New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson , 2004
7 Aboriginal art / Wally Caruana New ed. - London : Thames & Hudson , 2003
8 The Thames & Hudson dictionary of design since 1900 / Guy Julier 2nd ed. - London ; New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson , 2004
9 The photograph as contemporary art / Charlotte Cotton : pbk. - London : Thames and Hudson , 2004
10 Digital art / Christiane Paul New ed. (rev. and expanded). - London : Thames & Hudson , 2008
11 Black art and culture in the 20th century / Richard J. Powell London : Thames and Hudson , c1997
12 The body in contemporary art / Sally O'Reilly London : Thames & Hudson , 2009
13 Ideals of beauty : Asian and American art in the Freer and Sackler galleries : pbk. - New York, N.Y. : Thames and Hudson , 2010
14 Georgia O'Keeffe / Lisa Mintz Messinger London : Thames & Hudson , c2001
15 Women, art, and society / Whitney Chadwick : pbk. - 6th ed. / with a foreword and epilogue by Flavia Frigeri. - London : Thames and Hudson , 2020
16 Art and climate change / Maja and Reuben Fowkes : pbk. - London : Thames and Hudson , 2022
17 Women in design / Anne Massey London : Thames & Hudson , 2022


本文言語 und
書誌ID LB00087615
NCID BA00534869